The Why Behind All Things

We’re in profound times of global and personal transformation which many of us can feel in our bones.  In the midst of these shifts,  some of us feel the call to pivot away from old templates of being and create new definitions of selfhood in times of uncertainty. 

Giving ourselves more time to explore our imaginative landscapes, opens up room to zone in on our modes of genius. Astrology, archetypal exploration and Reiki are profound practices to help you to define your own personal myth. Each acting as a steward to remind you that every choice is an act of creation.  

At the heart of my work lies a singular mission: igniting the creative essence within women, that life-affirming energy which moves us. It's this very essence that open's the channel to speak to the soul. 

By understanding the myths that live inside of us, we’re able to see what unconscious influences are pulling the strings of our decisions and behaviour in our relationships, sacred work, finances, and family ties.   In this space we shine a light on what stories simply want to be seen, heard and alchemised.